A couple of years out of high school my beloved Triumph Spitfire died a horrible death. The engine actually rusted from the inside. The car did have a few parts that were worth something though, the biggest prize was the detachable hard top. I traded this to a guy named Richard who made his living restoring trashed bikes. In return for the hard top I got a 10 year old
Bridgestone 300 racing frame with whatever components he dug up. (Or rather I think it was the 300, it may have been the 400, or the 200). I loved that bike. I would ride it to my minimum wage job, and to the school I was failing out of. I would go on long rides to nowhere. I would duck in and out of traffic, beating the cars for mile stretches of road.
But my very favorite thing to do was to completely annihilate yuppies.
There I would be on my way to work in a pair of tattered jeans, with a cigarette in my mouth and waist coat flapping behind me blowing by the yuppies in there brand new fancy bikes wearing spandex trying to buy speed.
Oh, how I loved it then, and oh, how it hurts now that I am the yuppie getting toasted by the punk. But I will still lift off the seat and try to keep up. And if you are the punk, please know that under the expression on my face of pain and humiliation, I am actually smiling at your triumph and remembering mine.