Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things That Go BANG in the Night

So last night there was a tremendous bang that shook the building. I
sounded like a bomb went off… Or so I am told I slept right through
it. Which shows how tired I am. Then, ½ hour later, around midnight,
there was a lot of knocking at each door and shouting in either Kazic,
or Russian, I have difficulties telling them apart. When I opened my
door, they where already down the hall. A security guard, a hotel
manager, and the girl at the front desk were at somebody else’s door
shouting in English “Open the door!!”

So, I went back to bed…

Then I woke up in the morning and got ready for work. When I attempted
to flush the toilet I discovered that there was no water.

So, while walking to the main building for breakfast (I am in the back
of the hotel… ALL the way back… Next to the dog kennel… and the flood
lights… Away from the internet… Yes, I hate this place) I was thinking
about all I was going to complain to the manager about. No water…
being woken up in the night… the past few days the hot water has been
tepid… the smoking crater in the ground where the boiler used to be…


Yeah, the boiler blew up. Literally! The shed that it was in (the
stone shed) was demolished. This thing blew the fuck up!

But no worries, the got the cold water back on about ½ hour after I
got back from my usual 12 hours of hard manual labor.

I don’t mind so much a cold shower… So long as there is bourbon afterwords.

And after they "replaced" it:

P.S. I got my next hot shower about a week later.

So, That Did Not Go As Planed

Between the working 12-16 hours per day/7 days per week, and the Internets not working that well, I did not post shit, or take notes worth a damned. But I did take some pix, and will be trickling them to my Flikr, and I wrote one blog entry, but was not able to post it. So, without further ado...