Friday, August 31, 2007


Put a cute girl on a $6,000 bike in front of me on the bottom of a hill, and watch how fast I climb.


  1. Tell me about it!

    That's how I learned to enjoy long climbs too.

    I ran a whole marathon with the same cute girl dangled in front of me. Same cute girl makes weight rooms pleasant too. And treadmills.

    Eventually, you come to realize that climbing hills is a lot of fun, and you can remove the cute girl from the equation and still have a good time.

    But why?

  2. Yeah, hills are fun. I intentionally chose a route to work that has some nasty, but avoidable hills on it.
    I think for me, right now, a big part of it is that hills are something that I can do pretty well (comparatively). I am not big, right now I have no endurance, but I do have a very large power to weight.
    But there is also the "something to overcome" thing.
    Whatever, hills are fun.

    But you do have a nice point, if I don't pass the girl, I can look at her longer. Damn, I am dumb!
