Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OK, it is just not that complicated

If Cuba can afford natinal helth care, so can we.
If Pakistan is ready for a female leader so are we.


  1. I know what you're trying to say.

    And I agree with it.

    But, "why can't we be more like Cuba or Pakistan" just doesn't sound right to me.

    Here in America, we'd rather make the best health care available for a select few, than have merely adequate healthcare for everyone, which is what Cuba gets. That trait runs very very deep, and we accept that, because it's part of our national character to want to be among the select few. I don't know how I feel about that really. If getting national health care means abandoning that trait, I don't know if I would like it.

    But I'm all for a female leader, and it's only a matter of time. We increasingly live in a well-connected world with no fronteirs, different kinds of conflicts, and lots of people. This might be offensive, but I think women might actually be better leaders in this environment than individualistic, determined men.

  2. Yeah, I just don't see how they are mutually exclusive. You can always pay more.

  3. There's a really ugly side of our society that we don't want to face, and that's not only that we want to be able to pay more for ourselves... but...

    As a culture, we really, really, *really* don't like paying for other people.

    Why should my tax dollars be used to subsidize someone's lung cancer treatment if they've been smoking all their lives? Or someone's CAT scan if they chose to ride a motorcycle without a helmet? or someone's detox if they got all fucked up on drugs?

    I'm not saying I feel that way, but other people do, and lots of them.

    The issue of national health care is going to bring that up in a big way. *We* don't want to have to pay for *them*. Just watch.

  4. My friend, I think you have hit the nail directly on the head.

  5. Woops! Looks like Pakistan's not ready for a female leader just yet...

  6. They already had one. She is an ex-prime-minister.
