Monday, November 19, 2007

I am not very good at the bloging thing

From the start I have written these entries as a stream of conchishenss, witch I think is kinda cool, but it does tend to highlight my bad grammar and atrocious spealing. It also means that I do share a lot about myself is a public forum.
But I forget that this is indeed a public forum, and that is why I am doing it.
Being a public forum I am open to public ridicule and disdain, so be it.
Or it should be anyway.
If somebody that I have never met wants to get mad at me for some supposed injury that I have done to somebody else (that did not seem too upset himself) I should just say so be it.
But I don't. I seethe and get defensive and start responding and tacking on addendums.
Any way, I am not apologising for my behavior, I still think that asking Mr. Bourdain what he thought of dinner at the opening of his new book about food was not a bad thing to do,,
there I go being defensive again. So be it.

I guess I just need to relax.

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