Saturday, January 26, 2008

Turd in the Punch Bowl

Dear friends, family and the occasional aggressive stranger,

I would love to tell you how my day went, but I am not that strong, so I will tell you about the show I went to this evening.

I went to see Mortified I was very good, and afterwords, I was walking to the BART station in the rain, when I hear:
"How did you like the show"

It was one of the performers who was vaguely familiar to me, but I, to him stood out like a ...

P.S. I passed the F.E.


  1. Congrats! I know you've been working on the F.E. thing for a bit, it must feel great to have that under your belt. Treat yourself to a congratulations goodie!

    Don't know what to say about the incident with the guy from the show ...

  2. I am really struggling with shows like Mortified.

    I'm sure it is quite good. But the problem is, I can wallow in my adolescence forever. The pain and raw feelings are so close as to be yesterday.

    But it's not yesterday, it's many years ago. I want to appreciate the beauty of emotion and angst, but I also want to, you know, get the fuck over it already.

  3. That was definitely not the mood or the feel of the show.

    There was no wallowing, nor was there re-experiencing.

    The whole thing was kind of a shared "We were all there" between the proformers and the audience. It actually was an appreciation of "the beauty of emotion and angst" with a very clear "we are over it"
