Tuesday, February 26, 2008


OK, so when I said I wanted a convertible, I was kinda thinking car, not apartment.
Apparently if the gutters don't get cleaned, then water pools on the roof.
Even stranger if water pools on the roof, this destroys it.
Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. The water only pools on the roof if the grade on the roof is bad. Otherwise it overruns the gutters and splashes out the side.

    A lot of houses in Berkeley have flat roofs, but they're not really flat, they have a slight grade on them which lets the water run off. Except, when the flat roof goes bad with age or just people walking on it too much or whatever, the water starts to puddle and pool. My mom's house had this problem.

    But if you or your landlord don't even have the time to clean the gutters, it's a high likelihood the roof is getting neglected too.

    What I'm trying to say is, it wasn't the clogged gutters that made the water pool and ruin the roof. It was the bad roof that made the water pool. The clogged gutters is just another symptom of neglect.
