Sunday, May 4, 2008

3rd Place!

We had a supprise victory against Vicious Verdict and an expected lose to The Mortician, but we did not take neer as much dammage as we thought and we still have a bot, so RoboGames here we come!
Our weight class went like this:
Day 1
3 MW 12:50pm Beer Bash vs. Pipe Wench (PW)
4 MW 1:00pm The Mortician vs. Vicious Verdict (VV)
13 MW 4:00pm Skidplate vs. Vicious Verdict (VV)
16 MW 6:20pm Pipe Wench vs. The Mortician (PW)
18 MW 6:40pm Skidplate vs. Beer Bash (BB)
Day 2
3 MW 12:20pm Beer Bash vs. Vicious Verdict (BB)
7 MW 1:00pm Skidplate vs. The Mortician (TM)
12 MW 2:40pm Pipe Wench vs. Vicious Verdict (VV)
15 MW 4:40pm Skidplate vs. Pipe Wench (PW)
16 MW 4:50pm Beer Bash vs. The Mortician (TM)

Final Rank
1) Vicious Verdict
2) Pipe Wench
3) Beer Bash
4) Mortician
5) Skidplate


  1. That's freakin' awsome
    Can you make a celebratory keg that looks like the 'bot?
    To actually drink beer out of beerbash...

  2. Congratulations!
    You know, that's actually a pretty cool hobby you've got there.

  3. Congratulations dude...

    I bet you were kinda surprised and I wish I had a fun hobby of making 'bots that wreck havoc on others...AWESOME...

    Now what's next for BeerBash, drinking and more fun???

    Rat's Monkey.....Tigger
