Thursday, September 4, 2008

Off Limits

Palin's future grandchild would normally be a subject that is off limits in a political election.
However, this one is not. You see, Palin is a rabid fan of "Abstinence Only" sex education. Well time and time again this does not work. No, I am afraid that Palin's poor daughter is among many victims of this ludicrous idea. Saying that Palin's kid and grandkid is off limits in this case is like saying that the Polar Bear is off limits.

So, let me say it again. Abstinence only sex education produces unwed teen mothers just like Palin's daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, the BEST way to keep it off-limits is to constantly remind EVERYONE how off-limits it is, and to make sure every democrat from sea to shining sea hits the talking point about how palin's hypocritical family life is off-limits.

    Of course it's off-limits. It's fine. It speaks for itself.
