Thursday, February 19, 2009

It has been a while synce I rapped at you

But I kinda dislocated my thumb. This makes typing (among other things) a bit difficult and posting to my blog (among other things) not worth it.

I was putting a door back on it's hinges with my sister (Hi sis!) after removing my father's sofa from his apartment. This was a heavy external door, so heavy that there was no way one of us could handle it. So we both had to do it.

At one point she pushed and I pulled, and the door swung, and my thumb went "pop".
The funny thing (as in $200/day, not as in flying) was that my brain knew something was wrong. It was getting sensation from my thumb in an impossible position.
So, it (my brain, not my thumb) solved the problem for me and showed me a picture of what happened: I very clearly "saw" my thumb push through the door and break it.
Now, my brain said: "Stop! This is dumb, this is a solid door, you can't put your thumb through it"
But my brain countered: "No, that one spot was hollow. See the splinters where your thumb went through?"
Josh's brain: "Oh, yes. Yes I do. But, then what is this pain?"
My brain responded to this by saying: "The pain is cuz you dislocated your thumb, moron!"

Then I said: "Oh, fiddle sticks. That shall require some attention"

Not actually the last part, but this is a family show.

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