1) Assemble the materials. This is everything I used
I was actualy originaly planing on useing a Mylar bag, but fortunitly I remembered that this is a radio system. Ooops. But then I saw an old glove, and thought "Perfict"
2) Cut a finger off to use as a pocket for the device
Any of the fingers would work, but I thought it would be appropriate to use this one.
3) Lace the pocket into the shoe and place the device in the pocket
4) Finish laceing the shoe making sure that the pocket is on the outside of the laces and the top is closed up.
5) Run
P.S. Works like a champ.
that is WAY cool!
i'm starting to understand why i went into software sales rather than just sticking in engineering, i NEVER would have thought of that, and it's quite an elegant solution to when your favorite company partners exclusively with a less-favorite company.
me, i took a business approach and just decided to buy something else: a garmin forerunner gps watch. this thing tracks distance, speed, location (and plots me on a map later), elevation and heart rate. sure, it doesn't play my tunes, but i can either wear the nano too, or just go without: on the marathon runs music gets really annoying.
Oh, I really want the Garmin. But it is 10 times the price.
yeah and wearing that thing pegs you as a "FUCKIN YUPPIE" especially if you run through places like santa cruz, where they like to pride themselves on not needing such cool shit.
i do have an extra forerunner watch though, if you want it. it's an older one but we can probably work something out.
What a great resource!
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