Sunday, May 31, 2009

Further Fight Results

1) Swollen left ankle from a roundhouse kick that impacted an elbow directly over a tendon that is limiting mobility of the foot.

2) Sore left knee from clashing (both fighters brought the knee up at the same time)

3) Right glute (butt) pull (minor, but sore)

4) Bruising on ribs, back, and sore belly from getting kicked (kid was strong)

5) Large deep bruise on right bicep from blocking kicks that keeps threatening to cramp the muscle.

6) Right hand hurt (don't know what, but it hurts) from blocking.

7) Blood blister on palm from closing the damned scoring equipment case.

Nothing big, I should be 100% in a week or two, but geeeeze why do I do this? I really should just sit on the sofa, drink beer, and get fat.

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