Now, I know what you are thinking. Geezz Eel, chill out. What is the big deal?? I mean, sure she is monopolizing all of the storage space but she has been living here for a long time so that must mean she is entitled to, and I am sure that what ever is in those bags is perfectly sanitary and not moldy at all.
Well, it is true that I really don't need to use the space my self. I just (for some reason) have never collected hundreds of pounds of trash that I need to keep in my life, or under my life. The problems is this:

Ok, so that pile of garbage... er belongings... is precarious and is libel to fall at any moment, but what is the big deal? I mean aside from the fire hazard, health issues due to mold, and that she is (justifiably I am sure) monopolizing the space. Lets look a little closer:

Yup, that is the buildings washing machine and dryer nesseld in the piles of crap... er belongings.
So, to make a long story short every now angain I pester her about it. The last time (about a week ago) she yelled at me:
"Eel, I just can't deal with this right now!!!"
And stormed off.
So, yesterday, (this is what you have been waiting for, and this time I scanned the note!!!) she left a note in my mail box:

And now for the translation:
Dear Eel -
Plez Know i Knocked on your door
couple of
Nites AGo - for I wan't to reply to your inquiry -->
About Things
I appreciate
I am thinking of putting together a book of her writings.
1 comment:
Oh my god I just ripped my entire skin off in horror and disgust. I spent part of my spring break deciding which of the five things in my basement I could live without. (Obviously NOT my bocce set.)
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