Step 1) Cut off sleeves.

Step 2) Sew sleeves together.

Yes, I can sew. But it does involve a lot of swearing.

Step 3) Fill with beans (or rice, or peas). I made a 6 pocket arrangement so the beans don't flop around and put 1 pint of beans in each pocket (this is perhaps overkill... they is heavy!)
Step 4) Sew ends closed.
Step 5) Microwave. With the 6 pints of beans and my wimpy ass microwave it takes 7 minutes on high. But until you get the hang of your microwave/dealy combination I recommend staring with 1 min, test, add another min, test... that is unless you like 3rd degree burns (I am kidding. Being foolish will probably only give you 2nd degree burns)
Step 6) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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