Friday, January 26, 2007

Quoting from Susan Reno

last night was awesome. we started setting everything up at about 5:45 for our
630ish show.they put us on a stage for our pit and built a ramp down to the
16x16' arena. they had fireworks, flame throwers and confetti cannons set up
all around the outside of the arena as well as the stage. BB fought twice. both
times with joe's 60 lbers.

now before i tell you what happened in the ring i will need to preface it with
what joe told me yesterday morning. remember when speed bump backed off of
enouch and we tapped out?? well... speed bump was dead. he had no movement. he
wasnt giving us a chance to survive. he was bluffing. joe looked over at us in
hopes that we would tap out.

this made my blood boil a bit, but i kept my composure and took my revenge
knowing full well we are a good 10 lbs overweight.

i creamed him.

the matches went way more then 3 minutes and there was no timer... bb has
alllllot of battery power so i decided to use most of it up on showing him whos
boss.. im not vengeful at all.

because i spent most of my power in the first match i lost the second just cause
i ran out of batts.

BB's first fight needed to be a crowd pleaser anyway. we got off to a really
slow start. the first 2 robots hit liek twice then played dead. not a good sign.
i thought the crowd was bored.

andrew, the guy from austrailia won hands down. he has two POWERFUL pneumatic
30lbers. they are awesome. i hope he can come to robogames sometime.

so, the last fight was a grudge match with 3 30 lbers... Andrew just killed
everything then did a victory dance, it was great. (during all the fights the
pyrotechnics, fire and confetti are all randomly scaring us with their loud booms)

the crowd seemed pleased, but i didnt theink they were that into it until the
fights were over and everyone rushed the stage. i was signing autographs,
andwering questions and taking pictures with people (see also: MOB SCENE)...

we were totally rockstars.
we were escorted out cause people kept stopping us.
it was insane. the crowd was NOT bored.
we had dinner at the on campus resturant and then to sleep.
twas a busy day.


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