Monday, December 31, 2007

Next Year I Will ....

Ride my bike.

Go to Monterey with Becky.

Find out if I passed the F.E. exam (Cuz then next year I can take an even harder test!).

Celebrate the 2nd annual Robot Independence Day (March 1).

Slide down a mountain on a couple of planks shouting Wooo-motherfucking-Hooooo the whole way down!!

Party down on my 33 1/3 birthday (It is a record year).

Pull a prank.

Prepare Beer Bash for his 5th tournament.

Cry when the 4000 soldier is killed in Iraq for a lie.

Adapt BearScore for UC Open.

Fight at UC Open.

Congratulate a friend.

Drive a car so fast that I will never be caught!

Test for my 1st Kup in Tae Kwon Do.

Cheer the Non-(modern)Republican president elect.
Or shake my head in sorrow and tremble in fear at the continuing stupidity of many Americans.

Run a sub 6:30 Mile.

Offer a shoulder to cry on.

Cry on a shoulder.

Travel to India to visit a friend and eat many things that where cooked in a tandoori oven.

Make a woman laugh.

Make a man cry.

Tell Rebecca I love her more than anything in this life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

This year I...

Sent my robot to India, where Susan and Beer Bash kicked ass and became celebrities (Seriously autographs on the street, strangers insisting that Susan attend there wedding, front page articles in the paper, the whole nine yards).

Started Capoeria.

Went to Alaska on a cruse.

Started running. Took my mile down from 8 min, to 7 min

Started riding my bike to work.

Attended the wedding of people I introduced.

Went on three business trips, in three weeks.

Quit Capoeria, for now.

Got a new bike.

Went backpacking with a dear friend.

Started SeaMonkeys.

Started SeaMonkeys.

Gave up on SeaMonkeys. Sniff, sob, cry.

Wrote scoring software for an international martial arts competition.


Had my sister stay with me while her 2 year old son was having surgery. Twice.

Went to a $200/plate dinner.

Gave Anthony Bourdain shit for being associated with a shitty $200/plate dinner.

Helped in a very small way to try to save the planet.

Saw a friend preform at the Great American Music Hall.

Saw a different friend preform at the Great American Music Hall.

Things I am still planning to do:


Make love to a beautiful woman.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Damned Big Truck

So, on Sunday after I finished with my run, I get out of the car (Yeah, I am one of those idiots who drives to go running) and sneeze.
Then I sneeze again, and again.
Then my sinus fills up so fast that my ears pop.
I sneeze again.
This is how I spend the next few days.
I take Clariten, Benedrill, Vodka, nothing works.
Finally on Tuesday, I am sitting on the couch feeling miserable and just as fast as it came on, boom, gone.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

6 Minuets, 53 Seconds

On my mile, and I can now throw off a 1 Minuet, 30 Second lap pretty much at will.
Getting better. And I only vomited a little bit!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Smuggling Razers

Saw the new cut of Blade Runner last night.
I would recommend it cuz it is a fantastic flick and it is very nice to see it on the big screen all cleaned up of the pops and cuts
However I did not really notice anything that set it apart from the Directors cut, but perhaps somebody who has seen it more that I have can enlighten me.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

49 Minutes

Is how long I ran straight today. Becky ran for 21 minutes straight. For both of us shattering previous records (Post high school).
And to top it off, neither of us vomited!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I swear it was an accident

But Susan pointed out that the way I arraned the file server, it looks like a robot:

Oh, and I got a new phone with a crappy camera.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Becky got an iPhone

So, now we have to go to a bar with a bunch of people and see if she spends the whole evining playing with it.