Saturday, December 22, 2007

This year I...

Sent my robot to India, where Susan and Beer Bash kicked ass and became celebrities (Seriously autographs on the street, strangers insisting that Susan attend there wedding, front page articles in the paper, the whole nine yards).

Started Capoeria.

Went to Alaska on a cruse.

Started running. Took my mile down from 8 min, to 7 min

Started riding my bike to work.

Attended the wedding of people I introduced.

Went on three business trips, in three weeks.

Quit Capoeria, for now.

Got a new bike.

Went backpacking with a dear friend.

Started SeaMonkeys.

Started SeaMonkeys.

Gave up on SeaMonkeys. Sniff, sob, cry.

Wrote scoring software for an international martial arts competition.


Had my sister stay with me while her 2 year old son was having surgery. Twice.

Went to a $200/plate dinner.

Gave Anthony Bourdain shit for being associated with a shitty $200/plate dinner.

Helped in a very small way to try to save the planet.

Saw a friend preform at the Great American Music Hall.

Saw a different friend preform at the Great American Music Hall.

Things I am still planning to do:


Make love to a beautiful woman.

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