Sunday, July 1, 2007


Weight - 110lb
Mile - 6 min flat
Then go out and party

Weight - 155lb
Mile - 7:30
Then go home and vomit.


jwfbean said...

Oh that's a fun game!

Weight - 125lb
Mile - 9 mins if lucky
After - Pretend to party, then go home and feeling sorry for myself.

Weight - 160
Mile - I don't do just a mile. But I can do a 10K in 51, and a marathon in 4:40.
After - go home and sort of futz around.

The Eel said...

Hay, no fair being in better shape.

jwfbean said...

Who says? You with your martial arts skills and those robots could totally kick my butt.

The Eel said...

You must have never seen either my, or my robot's fight record.