Sunday, March 2, 2008


So, a full 2 days after I finally recovered from the "man flu" I got myself a nice, shiny cold!

I am not liking this!


Anonymous said...

Huh. Sounds like the last ... three weeks or so for me. I got sick wednesday night, missed two days of classes, went back on monday. Next wednesday, rinse & repeat. Tuesday, go to class, get too damn warm, feel (and apparently look) like death on toast, go home early. Friday, sleep through or otherwise miss alarm, miss train, miss class.

And I'm still completely stuffed up and coughing. February was not my month. I feel your pain/annoyance.

Unknown said...

Hey Eel~
You are a big wussy when you get sick. I know that you have better things to whine about than a runny nose. Poor baby.
I'm gonna start a blog again, and it's gonna be all about this cold sore under my nose. Every day I shall catalogue the size and weepyness of the crust and I shall detail how annoyingly painfull, like a younger brother, it is.
~bitchy Rat