Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It is 2008

A computer that frequently kernel panics is just NOT acceptable!!!!
When will people realize that Windows is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than any other OS out there???
Using a computer does not have to be like this.

While we are at it AutoSave only works if the FILE is saved, not just the claim that it is saved. What the fuck is the point of autosave if it does not actually save anything?


jwfbean said...


According to Gartner Group, the Windows platform is becoming an unmaintainable beast.

The Eel said...

It is obvious to anybody with a brain that Vista is a pice of shit, but this is an XP box. Which is also a pice of shit, but less people seem to recognize this.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. My computer developed major issues last week, which seem to have been resolved with a wipe/reinstall. Hopefully, it stays resolved. *keeping fingers crossed*