Monday, November 24, 2008

Fast Lane, Slow Lane

Ok, in our state of California, many roadways have more than one lane for each direction of traffic. These are arranged from Left to Right in order of descending speed. With the leftmost lane designated as the "Fast Lane" and the rightmost lane the "Slow Lane". If you are not sure which lane you should be in, there is an easy test. Look to your Right. Is the car on your right going: Slower, the same, faster than you?
If the answer is anything other than "Slower" you are in the WRONG place.
I hope this helps.

P.S. Pleas don't cut me off unless you plan on driving faster than me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Surprise Ball

So my friend Anandamayi makes something called a "Surprise Ball", and she gave me one for my birthday. This is what it is:

A Pear

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Feeding the Cat

But I found this note in my mail box this morning in response to asking, once again, for a list:
Good Day, Josh
How nice of you to feed Bumkie The Cad (drawing of what looks like a snowman, but I assume to be the cat, she claims to be an artist)

(Smiley Face)
To the dish is on the Balcony, which is other place I leave it - before steps down. Food is on your back balcony.

Take food to your house cuz raccoons

(rotate 90deg)

I'll get Food When returned
Got it
(smiley face)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Still Waiting

So, all of the people who said Al Gore made that movie to get famous so he could run for prez again need to admit that they were wrong.
Also Palin, after some pretty strong statements were made, needs to either admit that god does not take direct action in elections OR that god waned Obama to be prez.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear USA

Thank you.
Dear California, Fuck you. How the hell do you think it is OK to "restrict rights"????

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who Would Have Figured

That on a rainy Saturday, the museum that just re-opened would be crowded.
But the Academy of Sciences new digs are pretty cool.