Monday, December 8, 2008

Snicker Doodles

So, I came back from the store to find that I forgot to buy cookies.
Fuck. I need cookies. I was starting to panic, but then I remembered a trick that my mom showed me in which I can turn a few household items:

And some simple tools:

Into some 3 dozen very tasty cookies.

First we will be working with some hazardous materials, so wear protective clothing:

The first step is to lubricate a flat piece of metal, and preheat an enclosed space to 450 Kelvin (I use the stove that came in my apartment, which is unfortunately scaled in Fahrenheit)

Place 1 1/3 cup of sugar, two chicken eggs (size is important you can use another bird egg, but the number will vary I recommend using a water displacement method to calculate the volume, as it is a fairly difficult double integration), one tsp of Vanilla extract (note: be very careful, the vanilla is suspended in C2H6O (Ethanol). C2H6O is flammable and a solvent, so use precautions).

Mix until in solution.

Remember NEVER consume alcoholic beverages when operating power tools:

Sift 3 cups of flour, 2 teaspoon of baking powder (this reacts with H2O to produce CO2), and 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt through a fine mesh. USE EXTREME CARE!!!!! FINE POWDERED FLOUR IS EXPLOSIVE!!:

Slowly pour this mixture into the solution prepared earlier while mixing thoroughly to form a colloid.

Combine 4 table spoons of a 3:1 mixture of sugar and cinnamon:

Make 1" spheres of the colloid and coat the outside of each sphere with the cinnamon/sugar mixture:

Place the spheres on the lubricated piece of sheet metal 1" apart from each other (there is a chemical reaction that will make the circumference double in size). The precision is not that tight. I usually get away with just using a T-Square:

Place into the heat source for 600 seconds but be aware, if you use a kitchen oven that the temperature control is probably TERRIBLE. Fortunately there is also a color change test:

Like I said, "I USUALLY get away with just using a T-Square".


jwfbean said...

You ALMOST made the act of baking cookies manly.

Almost. :)

Anonymous said...

That is too freakin' funny. Baking for geeks...

Anonymous said...

It's a bit off the topic, but I'm struck by how much you look like your father in that picture. Must be the haircut ...?

The Eel said...

Yeah, it is the haircut.
That and the fact that I look almost exactly like a 30 year younger version of my dad.

Kurt said...

Best cookie recipe ever.