Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Year I:

Last year I wrote a list of things I wanted to do with this year.
Lets see how it went shall we?

Ride my bike.
About 1000 miles! 10 of them up Mt. Diablo in a race.

Go to Monterey with Becky.
January 11-13th we spent a very lovely weekend in Monterey. We went to the aquarium, Point Lobos, and stayed at a nice B&B.

Find out if I passed the F.E. exam (Cuz then next year I can take an even harder test!).
Done, time to start studying for the next on.

Celebrate the 2nd annual Robot Independence Day (March 1).
With RIPPING success, this years shall be even bigger!

Slide down a mountain on a couple of planks shouting Wooo-motherfucking-Hooooo the whole way down!!
Did not do this, maybe next year.

Party down on my 33 1/3 birthday (It is a record year).
Did not do this, I guess I'll try it again at 45.

Pull a prank.

Prepare Beer Bash for his 5th tournament.
Yes!, and we were filmed doing it for Current TV, which just broadcast yesterday:

Cry when the 4000 soldier is killed in Iraq for a lie.
Yes, and it is up to 4,149. But hope is on the horizon.

Adapt BearScore for UC Open.
Done, and as a reward I now have to adapt it for World YMD Championships. *Runs away in terror*

Fight at UC Open.
No, but I did manage to fight at the YMD Open. I lost 19 to 20.

Congratulate a friend.

Drive a car so fast that I will never be caught!
Maybe not that fast, but I did go pretty quick. Even made 2nd place in a race.

Test for my 1st Kup in Tae Kwon Do.
Done. And I tore one off, and impressed the hell out of everybody.

Cheer the Non-(modern)Republican president elect.
Or shake my head in sorrow and tremble in fear at the continuing stupidity of many Americans.

Run a sub 6:30 Mile.
Nope, but I did get under 7 min. And I ran a 5K in 23'05", and a 10K in 50'02". I'll call this 1/2.

Offer a shoulder to cry on.

Cry on a shoulder.
And done.

Travel to India to visit a friend and eat many things that where cooked in a tandoori oven.
This did not happen.

Make a woman laugh.
I did this and am proud.

Make a man cry.
I did this and am ashamed.

Tell Rebeca I love her more than anything in this life.
This I did. And less than a month later, after 13 years she walked out of my life forever.

So, to recap:
22 Goals, 18.5 Of them met, that is 84%. Solid B.
So why did this feel like one of the worst years of my life?

1 comment:

jwfbean said...

You've beat my 10K and 5K PRs. Go you.

And you thought to look back on your year with last year's resolutions in mind. That's worth something.

That was a very UC Santa Cruz evaluation of your year: A narrative evaluation followed by a letter grade.