Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bay to Breakers

Just got back from running the Bay to breakers (1st time!)
12K 7.5 Miles
1 Hour 20 Sec
924th overall
803rd Male


253 Male 30-39 (out of 2867)


jwfbean said...

That's about the time I would have done it in. Maybe a little faster. Maybe I would have been just good enough to see you getting farther and farther away. I'm not a speed guy. I'm a happy-to-be-there guy.

We should run sometime while we're still roughly the same pace. You seem to be getting better.

The Eel said...

Lets. Prefer the bike though :)
I won't be doing any running for at least a month, and only on dirt after. Running that long on pavement hurts me too much, I will be recovering for a while.

bunny said...

What the fuck is up with all this physical activity and shit? What happened to sitting around drinking beer?

The Eel said...

They are actually related.
If I want to sit around and drink beer and NOT look like my dad ....