Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Need For Speed(ometer)

So, the sprite (see last post) needs a lot of work. I know, you're shocked! One of the issues is the speedometer does not turn. Easy enough, the speedometer cable was rusted solid. However the end that connects to the transmission at the "Speedometer Pinion Gear" got striped out when the cable froze... I think. The problem is that I knew what my "Speedometer Pinion Gear" looked like, but I did not know what a "Speedometer Pinion Gear" was supposed to look like as I could find no pictures on the innertubes as to what a "Speedometer Pinion Gear" is supposed to look like at the business end. All the pictures conveniently show it from an angle that does not show it.
They all look something like this:

See here: austin healey sprite transmission speedometer pinion gear
So, I ordered one on e-bay and it looked just like that one I already had :(
But I still was not 100% sure that it was broken. I wrote the seller and he sent me another one (I now have 3) and low and behold (I'm sure that's the correct idiom) the 3rd one looks just like I thought it should
So to correct for the internets lacking in the correct image to help with this repair: Austin Healey, Sprite, MG, Midget, Austin Motor Company, British Motor Company A-Series Morris, Speedometer Pinion Gear, Transmission, Stripped, Speedometer Cable:

Note: The one on the left is round (stripped) while the one on the right is square (fine).

Now, I just need to replace the actual speedometer :(

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