Monday, December 31, 2007

Next Year I Will ....

Ride my bike.

Go to Monterey with Becky.

Find out if I passed the F.E. exam (Cuz then next year I can take an even harder test!).

Celebrate the 2nd annual Robot Independence Day (March 1).

Slide down a mountain on a couple of planks shouting Wooo-motherfucking-Hooooo the whole way down!!

Party down on my 33 1/3 birthday (It is a record year).

Pull a prank.

Prepare Beer Bash for his 5th tournament.

Cry when the 4000 soldier is killed in Iraq for a lie.

Adapt BearScore for UC Open.

Fight at UC Open.

Congratulate a friend.

Drive a car so fast that I will never be caught!

Test for my 1st Kup in Tae Kwon Do.

Cheer the Non-(modern)Republican president elect.
Or shake my head in sorrow and tremble in fear at the continuing stupidity of many Americans.

Run a sub 6:30 Mile.

Offer a shoulder to cry on.

Cry on a shoulder.

Travel to India to visit a friend and eat many things that where cooked in a tandoori oven.

Make a woman laugh.

Make a man cry.

Tell Rebecca I love her more than anything in this life.


jwfbean said...

How are you going to make the guy cry?

The Eel said...

If I knew I would probably manage to avoid it.