Monday, July 28, 2008

Hell Week

I am entering my last week of hard exercise before my test, then a week of more light stuff:
Today: run 10K, practice TKD
  • ~10K in 53:48
  • TKD practice: rough!
Tue: Bike to work, TKD class
  • Well, I did not set any records, but my time was not horrid. Though my knee is starting to bug me.
  • Made it home in not too bad a time, but the suspenders on my shorts are rubing my nipple raw, and I can't decide if I like it or not. ;)
  • So, I am a dumbass and added TKD practice before the TKD workout.
  • Technique, forms, and breaking in class. My hand hurts from where a 2nd Dan hit it instead of the board.
Wen: Bike to work, practice TKD
  • Ride in was SLOW!! And hurty. Though slow for me now is still a lot faster than slow for me a year ago.
  • Ride home. There is something badly wrong with me. At a stop sign a pretty girl started to talk to me, and I just tossed my reply over my shoulder cuz I was wanted to be going as fast as I could. And the funny thing is that as fast as I could is damed slow. Sigh.
  • Practice was a little rough, I just could not get my muscles to function.
Th: Practice Test
  • Ah, rest day. W-o-o, H-o-o!
  • Practice test went OK, I "showed a lot of improvement, but still need more" Sigh. But I think I will do OK, I got some concrete things I can work on over the next week, and some of the things I was messing up where directly related to my being physically worn, and I fully plan to be in the best cardio condition in the room (work to my strengths). Oh, and I kinda hurt my hand trying a new break.
Friday: Bike to work, take the long way home, My boss added a new item, Kayaking.
  • My hand is pretty stiff, I am hoping this will not affect me too much.
  • Aside from being preposterously slow the ride in was OK. My had did not bother me as the handlebars are thick enough that I don't need to close my hand too much.
  • The Kayak was fun, but I got sunburned, and the hill by my work is looking taller and taller as the day goes on.
  • 1:24:00, 17.5 mi, 12.5 mph. That was actualy such a nice ride that I will definitly do it from time to time on my way home.
Sat: Tkd class, TKD Sparing class
Sun: Practice TKD, Big bike ride
Monday: Run 10K, practice TKD

Lets see how much of it I actually do.

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