Sunday, July 27, 2008

Short, Sweet, To the point. AKA: To Sammy's House

I am rather busy today, so I do not have much time for a big ride. I have to get my promotion documents in by 7pm tomorrow. But I mustn't neglect my training so I will just ride straight up the hill.

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Ok, google maps is driving me ape shit, the road I am going on exists on some portions of gmaps, but not others. I can draw out the route, but if I try to link the route the road is not there. Grrr.


jwfbean said...

After graduating from high school I worked summers at the UC Aquatic Center at the Berkeley Marina, teaching windsurfing and sailing for Cal Adventures. I did a variant of that ride home most days.

Funny ride, that one. It'd take me about 15 minutes to get from Fairlawn Drive down to the Marina, but it'd take me about an hour to get back.

Nowadays, I could probably do it in about 20-30 minutes, but I'm not sure. I haven't tried.

The Eel said...

Yeah, about that. I did not start as far down the hill, but I went a lot farther up. I did it in about 25 min.